Outline of Intellectual Property Strategies in Guangdong (2007-2020), issued by People’s Government of Guangdong Province on November 6, 2007 and took effect on the same day.
1. What is the aim of the Outline?
The People’s Government of Guangdong Province has issued the “Outline of Intellectual Property Strategies in Guangdong (2007-2020)”, aiming at promoting the development of intellectual property industries in Guangdong.
By 2010, more than 80% of high-new technology enterprises and private technology enterprises, and more than 60% of large to medium sized state-owned enterprises should have established sound internal management systems of their business secrets. Adherence to international standards and foreign advanced standards by enterprises is encouraged, with an aim to achieve the adherence rate of 70% for industrial enterprises.
2. What measures are provided in the Outline in order to achieve the aim?
The Outline allows enterprises to include all expenses in research and development actually incurred in that particular year in management costs; it also allows business units to count expenses spent on research and development of intellectual property as business costs. Enterprises may enjoy preferential taxation treatment with respect to their purchases of domestic and foreign advanced technologies and patents. On the other hand, the Guangdong Government will exercise its priority in purchasing significant facilities and products with independent intellectual property rights developed by enterprises in the province. More subsidies will be available for the application of patents domestically and overseas. The Outline also recommends enterprise and business units to include intellectual property rights in the structure of shares and to award shares to employees as a means to encourage discovery and creativity.
The Outline encourages capable asset assessment agencies to gradually develop intellectual property assessment services. The issuing of enterprise bonds or listing in foreign markets to raise capital by enterprises possessing independent intellectual property rights is supported. The Outline encourages financial institutions to develop the service of pledges by intellectual property rights in accordance with the law. The security of loans borrowed for the enforcement of enterprises’ independent intellectual property rights will be strengthened. The exploration and development of business-founding capital is encouraged. The creation, possession, utilization, protection and management status of intellectual property will be listed as important factors in the assessment, determination or approval of scientific technology projects and scientific technology prizes at the provincial or municipal level, the establishment of enterprises engineering technology centres, high-new technology enterprises, high-tech industrial zones and provincial or above level pilot laboratories. The status of creation and utilization of intellectual property will be a significant criterion in the assessment of satisfactory performance of state-owned enterprises and business units, and the assignment and promotion of technology personnel.