12.01.12 18:05 Age: 13 yrs
LEHMAN, LEE & XU announced as China Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year 2012 by Lawyers World Global Awards
LEHMAN, LEE & XU announced as China Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year 2012 by Lawyers World Global Awards. Beijing, China, January 12, 2012 - Global Leading Intellectual Property Law Firms campaign, is created via a thorough, Global poll of the readership, Lawyers World asks the voting readers to put forward nominations for those firms that are, in their opinion “top-ranked” within the intellectual property field.
The votes received and internally assessed by Lawyers World Global Awards 2012’s Editors, and externally assessed by a panel of judges, who have been chosen for their experience and knowledge of the field of intellectual property, provide a comprehensive list of those firms that are truly “top-ranked” and in essence set the benchmark for all others to follow.
During the judging process a number of factors are considered. The 2012 voting readers are asked to identify those firms that are noted for having a high degree of ability in complex situations, those that continually innovate, of course the level of service is of great importance as is overall value for money, in what is a tough global economy.
Lawyers World Global Awards announced LEHMAN, LEE & XU as China Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year 2012.