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The 2010 Sustainability Conference -- Green Cities: A Call to Action

30.07.10 14:16 Age: 15 yrs
The 2010 Sustainability Conference -- Green Cities: A Call to Action

Shanhai, China - July 30, 2010


As a longtime member of AmCham Shanghai, Lehman, Lee & Xu is proud to announce that the 2010 Sustainability Conference Green Cities: A Call to Action will be held in Shanghai.


With its sustainable urbanization theme "Better City, Better Life," the Shanghai 2010 World Expo has provided a promising glimpse of the green cities of the future. But what do businesses and governments need to do now to make this vision a reality in our lifetime? The 2010 Sustainability Conference Green Cities: A Call to Action, to be held on September 16-18 at Pudong Shangri-La, Shanghai, aims to catalyze business opportunities for companies across the urban development value chain in China.


The conference is co-organized by AmCham Shanghai and the Asia Society and is supported by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM).


Green Cities: A Call to Action will serve as a multidisciplinary platform bringing together experts from technology, research, architecture, business and policy from China and the U.S. The conference will explore how to make the visions of sustainable urbanization from the Shanghai Expo a reality.


According to Scott Garner, Manager of Lehman, Lee & Xu Shanghai Office, AmCham Shanghai has also opened sponsorship opportunities for the 2010 Sustainability Conference Green Cities: A Call to Action. Mr. Garner is also the local member of AmCham Shanghai.


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