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State Council Amends Invoice Administrative Rules With Effect On 1 Feb 2011

07.01.11 15:58 Age: 14 yrs
State Council Amends Invoice Administrative Rules With Effect On 1 Feb 2011

Beijing, China –February 1, 2010


The State Council recently made amendments to and republished the Measures of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Invoices, which shall become effective on 1st February 2011. The Measures raise the maximum penalty which can be imposed on unlawful acts including falsely making out, forging, modifying and transferring invoices, from 50,000 Yuan to 500,000 Yuan, and all illegal income shall be confiscated. This amendment also makes supplementary rules regarding illegal acts related to invoices and the corresponding legal liabilities. The Measures also indicate that illegal acts of drawing up invoices on a commission basis have the same legal liabilities as acts of falsely making out invoices (Article 17).


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