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Overseas Travellers Entitled To Tax Rebates For Shopping In Hainan

07.01.11 15:56 Age: 14 yrs
Overseas Travellers Entitled To Tax Rebates For Shopping In Hainan

Beijing, China –December 27, 2010


The State Council recently issued the Announcement to carry out pilot tax-refund policy applicable to overseas travellers who leave after shopping (hereinafter referred to as “Departure Tax-refund Policy”) in Hainan province. The Departure Tax-refund Policy means the policy of tax refund on goods purchased from designated duty-free shops by and leaving with overseas travellers. The Announcement specifies that the basic process of Departure Tax-refund Policy includes four steps such as the application for tax refund on a purchase, the check and confirmation from Customs, the tax refund from agencies and the concentrated settlement of tax refund, regarding which overseas travellers are only involved in the first three steps. Currently overseas travellers buying goods worth more than RMB800 Yuan may be refunded 11 percent of the total price of their purchases. The term “overseas travellers” refer to foreigners and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots who live in mainland China for 183 successive days.


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