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New Customs Regulations Strengthen Intellectual Property Rights Protection in China

17.12.10 14:28 Age: 14 yrs
New Customs Regulations Strengthen Intellectual Property Rights Protection in China

Beijing, China –December 16, 2010


The State Council has recently amended relevant laws to enhance the role of customs protection in the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) in China.


The amendments not only streamline customs enforcement measures to increase work efficiency and provide more flexibility to IPR owners, but also bring the Chinese legal regime on customs protection in line with the WTO's Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).


This briefing summarizes the key amendments to the law, such as the basis on which customs can revoke IPR records, the application of injunction orders, the disposal of infringing goods, and the mechanism for IPR owners to withdraw complaints. It also discusses the effect of these changes on IPR owners.


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