Hong Kong SAR LEHMAN, LEE & XU Patent & Trademark Agents
Corporate and IP services office
Suite 3313, Tower One
Times Square, 1 Matheson Street
Map: 中文│English
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3588 2188
Fax: (852) 3588 2088
Email: hongkong@lehmanlaw.com
Since its establishment in 1992 LEHMAN, LEE & XU has provided an integrated professional service to clients doing business in North Asia and throughout the Asia Pacific region and internationally. Our Hong Kong office works closely with other LEHMAN, LEE & XU offices in key business centers of China including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Guangzhou & Macau.
LEHMAN, LEE & XU 's Hong Kong is comprised of 15 dedicated professionals as fee-earners in its well situated Causeway Bay office and continues to grow as Hong Kong remains Asia's leading financial services hub. We advise international businesses seeking to expand into Asia and assist Asian companies wanting to invest in the broader global market. All of our professionals are fluent in English, Chinese and Cantonese.
LEHMAN, LEE & XU's Hong Kong office is devoted exclusively to matters dealing with corporate formation, tax advisory,tax planning, tax structuring,labor and human resource advisory services. business migration, and intellectual property prosecution. Additionally, we are able to assist prospective purchasers of shelf companies registered in Hong Kong.