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Countryside effort part of upcoming Patent Week events

With the theme "eco-civilization," this year's Patent Week scheduled to run nationwide from Nov 29 to Dec 5 will include forums and patented technology exhibitions on environmental protection, efficient use of energy and modern agriculture, said a senior official of the State Intellectual Property Office.

Lei Xiaoyun, deputy director of SIPO's patent administration department, said at a press conference in Beijing last week that shows and promotions will also go into residential communities and school campuses to "provide easy access to state-of-the-art products and improved IP awareness for ordinary people".

She said the series will for the first time expand into counties and townships this year rather than staying in big cities as it has in the past.

Also part of the initiative will be special operations by local authorities to intensively crack down on counterfeits and piracy, a move "showing China's determination and resolution to enhance IP protection", said the SIPO official.

Since it began in 2007, the annual event organized by SIPO plays an increasingly important role in popularizing IP awareness, showcasing patented products and creating an innovation-friendly cultural environment, she said.

This year's event will also highlight the importance of IP systems in companies, said Zhang Xinnian, deputy secretary-general of Nanjing city government. The Jiangsu provincial capital is set to be the main venue for the upcoming series.

He cited an example of the standard IP management procedures for companies prepared by SIPO. In a pilot program in Jiangsu in 2009, the approach proved "very successful" will be introduced to the rest of the nation during Patent Week.

The IP standards cover the entire production process ranging from R&D and raw materials to manufacturing, sale and foreign trade.

Huang Rong, deputy director-general of the city's IP Bureau, told China Daily that before the standards, many of local companies "had no idea of what to do with their IP management". The detailed procedures now give them standards to follow.

His team has now offered related training to hundreds of company representatives - or "IP engineers", as they call them - who have in turn promoted implementation of the standards.

Seeing the benefits, more companies are now competing to attend the training sessions, while three years ago just a handful agreed to attend after strong persuasion, Huang said.

In addition to Jiangsu, authorities in other regions will organize activities to meet local needs during the week, according to Lei.

Training on patent trusteeship, administrative enforcement, management standards and use of databases will be held in Hebei, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Fujian provinces.

Industrial design contests will be held in Shandong and Hainan provinces.

The Ningxia Hui and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous regions will feature modern agricultural technologies and products. In Beijing, a symposium on patent protection in computer technology is expected, while an exhibition on achievements in fighting fake products will open in Chongqing.

"We hope that Patent Week will help promote the better use of the patent system to promote economic growth, gather the wisdom of our people and help create a better life," Lei said.


Edward Lehman 雷曼法学博士
Managing Director 董事长

LEHMAN, LEE & XU China Lawyers

Lehman, Lee & Xu is a top-tier Chinese law firm specializing in corporate, commercial, intellectual property, and labor and employment matters. For further information on any issue discussed in this edition of China Patents In The News or for all other enquiries, please e-mail us at mail@lehmanlaw.com or visit our website at www.lehmanlaw.com.

2012 LEHMAN, LEE & XU Christmas Party

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